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Ann Mountford

Ann Mountford Psychotherapy

To arrange an initial appointment, or if you have any questions please contact me here

Counselling in Oxfordshire
Counselling is available for oxford and the surrounding area

Counselling and psychotherapy are both referred to as “talking therapies” and are a way of receiving support, which is completely outside of a normal social relationship. Counselling in Oxfordshire takes place in a safe, respectful and confidential setting where there is an opportunity to focus on personal difficulties, crisis or conflict, or perhaps dissatisfaction with life. People are encouraged to explore various aspects of their life, their feelings, thoughts and experiences and to talk about them openly in a way that is not usually possible with family and friends. The therapist neither judges nor offers advice.

Counselling tends to focus on a specific life problem such as bereavement, stress or anxiety, whilst psychotherapy tends to deal with more deep-seated issues and to explore connections between present feelings and past events.

In practice, both counselling and psychotherapy often overlap.

I offer face to face counselling in Oxfordshire, at the Oxford counselling venues stated. However, I also have many years experience in Skype and telephone counselling sessions for those who are unable to attend face to face sessions – those who are housebound, students away from Oxford, ex-patriots, and those who are out of the country often.

I am not formally qualified in couples counselling, but I have experience in working with couples in mediation.

How I work

I predominantly employ the psychodynamic approach in counselling in Oxfordshire. However, as I am also qualified in person-centred work and have a theoretical understanding of many

other psychotherapeutic approaches, I can adopt a flexible approach using a variety of styles, depending on the client’s individual needs.

I work in a time-limited or open-ended way and this would be discussed at the initial session and would be the client’s own decision.

As a qualified and registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (, I offer counselling in Oxfordshire working in adherence to the guidelines set out in the Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy.

How can counselling in Oxfordshire help?

Past experiences, feelings and relationships are of particular importance in psychodynamic counselling. We may explore in an in-depth way your childhood and family history to better understand how you came to be who you are now, your present attitudes, patterns of behaviour, feelings and situation.

Often we are unaware of the significance of these links and the impact they have on our everyday lives.

By understanding the past and its connection with the present, you will more comfortably be able to move into the future with courage and conviction.