Oxford clinical supervision services
We provide clinical supervision for the oxfordshire area
Group supervision
As a member of the Balint Society (balint.co.uk) and an experienced Balint Group leader, I facilitate groups, which include psychiatrists, GPs, hospital doctors, and other healthcare professionals, who work locally, nationally and internationally.
The Balint Society was founded by Dr. Michael Balint, a GP, who was interested in how psychodynamic theory concerning unconscious, interpersonal aspects within relationships could be applied to the doctor/patient dynamic, in order that helpful insights could be revealed about the inter relational aspects of a consultation involving the doctor and the patient. Balint Groups provide a confidential, safe forum in which medical professionals can explore and come to understand the unconscious dynamics at work in their consultations with patients.
I facilitate the Oxford Balint Group, who meet monthly at East Oxford Health Centre. The group is informal and friendly, allowing for exploration of, and reflection on aspects of the doctor/patient relationship, within a confidential, unjudgemental, supportive, and nurturing environment.
Individual supervision
I offer clinical supervision to GPs and other healthcare professionals on a one-to-one basis. The theoretical underpinning to the supervision is psychodynamic, akin to that in Balint Group work. The relational aspects of the doctor/patient dynamic are explored, and reflected upon, enabling a clearer understanding of the difficulties and complexities involved in medical consultations, without the emphasis being on the ‘medical’ aspects.
Individual clinical supervision sessions take place at the Wolvercote venue, in a private and dedicated consulting room. It is a space in which medical professionals can ‘unload’ honestly and openly about their consultations (adhering to strict patient confidentiality), within a safe, confidential, unjudgemental setting.